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AI-powered ideas for greener cities

We help cities become more sustainable with the help of Artificial intelligence.

Green City

What GreenIdeaHub does for you

Are you on the lookout for suitable new project ideas for your municipality? Our AI chatbot has access to hundreds of sustainability projects carried out by cities worldwide. Use the power of AI to find project ideas best suited for your case – simply by chatting with the bot.

Let our ChatGPT 3.5 powered chatbot point you to some of the best ideas for sustainable urban development worldwide. For FREE.

Hundreds of projects worldwide

We have access to databases with hundreds of sustainability projects worldwide. With AI we are able to filter the perfect results tailored to your city’s needs.

The power of ChatGPT

We are using ChatGPT and have customized it to provide information specifically about sustainability projects in urban development.

Free membership

Our platform wants to spark new ideas and thoughts and is therefore entirely free for municipalities. Just register and let the AI do the work for you.

We are waiting for your questions. Try it out now!

Got project ideas for us?

Then get in touch with us! We are happy to hear about great ideas to make cities more sustainable and to add them to our platform.

Ideas from municipalities and research organizations

If you are a municipality or a research organization, we are happy to add your projects to our AI for free.

Ideas from companies

If you are a company that has amazing solutions for urban development, please let us know. We are happy to talk to you.